
Juniperus monosperma

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Juniperus monosperma - one-seed juniper, New Mexico cedar, cherrystone juniper, cedro, sabina
Image: Janice Tucker
Common name: one-seed juniper, New Mexico cedar, cherrystone juniper, cedro, sabina
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress)
Distribution: Southwestern United States
Habitat: Plains, hillsides, mesas, woodlands
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: USDA Zone 6 (-10 to 0 °F)
Life form: Evergreen tree
Occurrence in New Mexico: New Mexico native plant
Growing Conditions: One-seed juniper is native to dry hills, plains and plateaus throughout New Mexico, southeastern and north-central Arizona, west Texas, western Oklahoma and southern Colorado. It is one of the most common small trees in New Mexico, growing at mid-elevation woodlands throughout the state and on upland slopes of the Great Basin scrublands in the Four Corners Region. It is found on dry, sandy, gravelly or rocky sites, often growing in part shade among piñon and ponderosa pines, and other Juniper species, usually at elevations from 3,000-7,500 feet. This juniper is tolerant of cold, wind and drought, and survives on steep slopes and rocky ledges as well as in arroyos and canyons. It is not particular about soil and grows on basalt, limestone, and sandstone substrates. One-seed junipers need only a low amount of water; they stop active growth when moisture is limited and resume growth when moisture is available. Mature trees have both taproots, which can be 12 or more feet in length, and lateral root systems. Lateral root systems are concentrated in the top 6 inches of soil and are often 2.5 to 3 times as long as the tree is tall. This slow-growing species is long-lived. Trees are dioecious, and first produce seed at 10-30 years of age, with maximum seed production at 50-200 years of age. Seeds often persist on the tree for 1-2 years, and large seed crops are usually produced at 2- to 5-year intervals.
Links: SFBG Plant of the MonthGermplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy)NatureServe ExplorerSEINetWildflower Center - Native Plant Database


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